Hello, fellow Bluestockings! Thank you for joining, supporting and participating in our salon. If you enjoy posts like today’s, please think of becoming a free or paid subscriber.
I want to thank my newest paid subscriber Andra Watkins who writes the Substack newsletter How Project 2025 Will Ruin Your Life.
My literature reviews; literary, art and sociocultural essays; writing exercises and writing tips are offered to you for free. My newsletter drops every Tuesday and Saturday in your in-box. You can also leave thoughts in a post's comment section and in my Notes’ chat section.
If you are able to financially support my work with an annual or monthly subscription, you will receive all of the above along with posts focusing on a current literary or sociocultural issue or event, specialized discussion threads and my “Novel Reflections” where I share my thoughts as I write my first novel.
For those who are able to offer financial support as a founding member, in addition to all of the above, you will receive personal feedback on one written work of any genre up to 6,000 words. My feedback will be provided to you through a written response and a one-hour Zoom call. Best of all, your name will also be included in the acknowledgements section of my current book-length fiction projects.
Hello fellow bluestockings. I apologize for the delay in today’s newsletter. My laptop has a migraine as well. I am in dire need of a new one. At thus moment, I have turned to writing today’s edition on my phone.
Since today’s will be short, I want to provide my readers with a writing exercise. It has been awhile since I have given one too.
I searched for odd stock images and found the one below because it is not only weird but joyful.
Use this image to begin a new creative writing project whether that is a narrative or a poem.
If you feel comfortable, feel free to share what you wrote in the comments below. As always, remember we are all friends here. Be respectful and encouraging when offering comments and critiques on other people's work.