Mar 19·edited Mar 19Liked by Laura Durnell


First, "Instead of spending your billions on a penis rocket, use them to pay and treat your Amazon workers better." is a brilliant opening. And your letter is an important salvo in the fight for a better and more fair form of capitalism in this country.

Jeff Bezos owns about 9% of Amazon, so anything he does to lower Amazon profits affects the remaining 91% of the shareholders. That gives him a very large excuse to hide behind.

Amazon workers should have much better working conditions in terms of wages, benefits, and greater health safety. I believe that has to come from governmental intervention.

Your post might not affect Jeff Bezos or the Amazon Board, but it affects those of us who read it and are now wondering , for example, what OSHA is really doing to protect workers.

I found that there is a Senate investigation proceeding about work conditions at Amazon, which I now know about because of your article.


So, we could call our senators and say this is an important issue.

Knowledge is power.

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‘Write about what enrages you.’ It’s advice that’s reached cliche, and yet… SO crucial. Knowledge is power, indeed, and expansive. Thank you for your voice on this!

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Mar 19Liked by Laura Durnell

Stop shopping at Amazon. It’s an easy habit to break. We cannot complain about the company and still support it financially.

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I am now.

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Mar 19Liked by Laura Durnell

Thank you. We need to encourage others to join us. We can vote, control where we spend our money, and do what we can to help those less fortunate. In sisterhood, Jan

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Well, yes, but it may not be so easy with some things, especially if you’re a self-publisher and need access to the site for your books. For me, the fact that Amazon can be hard to break up with indicates that it is an unwholesome monopoly - but so is Google, another company it’s hard to avoid.

With Amazon, I do my very best not to use it if there’s a good alternative. With Google, I’m not sure what to do, and that worries me.

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My dad worked for Western Electric and I remember parts of the Ma Bell break-up. The federal government needs to definitely regulate and break-up Amazon.

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In support of your rage against white supremacist capitalistic patriarchy I add my missle:

I am Not an Island

I'm not an island

I'm a woman

I'm a lover, I am a giver

I have sisters

I'm a woman

I'm not an island

I am not a piece of property

That you can or can't afford

I am not your trader's favorite stock

But I'm not to be ignored

I am strong within my boundaries

I am not your fair absurd

I'm the fount of our salvation

And I will have the final word.

I'm not an island

I'm a woman

I'm a lover, I am a giver

I have sisters

I'm a woman

I'm not an island.

I am the mighty hurricane

That will beat upon your shores

I am a resurrection

I am knocking on your doors

Do you think that I am kidding

Do even think at all

While you play your favorite pastimes

And throw your favorite balls

I'm not an island

I'm a woman

I'm a lover, I am a giver

I have sisters

I'm a woman

I'm not an island.

I am thriving in the sunlight

I am living my ballet

I will harken to that music

As I hear my sisters play

With one step for the future

And one for all mankind

We shall weave this dance together

And advance in pace and kind.

I'm not an island

I'm a woman

I'm a lover, I am a giver

I have sisters

I'm a woman

I'm not an island.

Malcolm J McKinney 2023

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I love open letters as an opinion format, especially when they combine personal outrage with lots of excellent evidence for Amazon’s crappy treatment of workers and attempts at union busting. And you’re preaching to the converted by underscoring the white supremacist patriarchy that infests tech companies - one of many reasons the AI transformation is so disturbing to me.

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My main immediate concern with Bezos is that he refuses to stop selling the sodium nitrite salts people are committing suicide with. Even though he's very aware that more people are buying the salts to potentially use to end their lives than to cure homemade sausage. He doesn't even have a warning on them. Amazon will keep trying to sell them to you forever, and I imagine it does this to the families of teenagers that successfully used them if they ordered from the family account. It's pretty gross.

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We love you MacKenzie! Saving the world while he parades his woman around in lingerie to stay relevant and building penis rockets. Hahahahaha! We love MacKenzie because she knows how marginalized citizens can never catch up so she said F U to the establishment. If the MEGAminds would pay just .5 percent increase in taxes they could save small Countries or a US State anyway, but again I digress. I keep trying to trend MacKenzie on other platforms as I am not interested in seeing Bezos current flame half naked yet again. I canceled Amazon and hope others will too.

I bought a Handmaid Tale’s outfit and plan on wearing it beginning in May. I will upload the video on reactions to #IDoNotConsent. I hope others join me. We can facilitate positive change through non-violent means. I will write my first ‘Published Article’ in the next few days regarding this. We are missing key opportunities right now because we are not United or creating any comprehensive strategy for change. We can piggyback initiatives quickly and effectively if we build Coalitions with other women. E Jean Carroll, Mary L. Trump, Heather Cox Richardson, and others are could be supporting #SAAM as an easy Coalition Builder along with the #Abortion Issue and it would build momentum and Activists Mindset. Let’s Get to Work Women. We Have a Country to Save.

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